New Homes | 08.03.2023

Common Questions About Quick Move-Ins

Arive Homes Sells Quick Move-Ins in Utah

What is a quick move-in home?

A quick move-in home is a pre-designed home already under construction or completed, allowing the buyer to purchase a new home in a shorter time than a traditional build. In many cases, buyers of quick move-in homes can close on their homes in as little as 30 days.

How is a quick move-in home different from a pre-construction or custom-built home?

Quick move-in homes have already been designed and are in the process of construction or completion by the builder. Pre-construction or custom-built homes are designed and under contract by the buyer before the building begins.

What are the advantages of purchasing a quick move-in home?

Purchasing a quick move-in home has several advantages. First, you’ll enjoy a shorter wait period for a new home. You’ll also receive a beautiful, professionally-designed home with a locked-in interest rate. Purchasing a quick move-in home can also make relocating easier and more predictable.

Can I still customize a quick move-in home?

Buyers who purchase quick move-ins in Utah may have several customization options. For example, if the home is in the earlier stages of construction, there may be room for specific changes. But if the house is nearing completion or is already complete, there may not be any customization options.

Are quick move-in homes typically brand new or previously owned?

Quick move-in homes (also known as QMIs) are newly constructed homes that are already complete or nearing completion. They have not been previously owned.

What is the timeline for purchasing and moving into a quick move-in home?

Depending on a home’s construction stage, the timeline for purchasing and moving into a quick move-in could take a few months to as little as 30 days. Instead of waiting 9-12 months for a custom home to be completed, Utah quick move-ins offer a much faster timeline.

What features and finishes are included in a quick move-in home?

The specific features and finishes included in a quick move-in home vary per home. At Arive Homes, all of our Utah quick move-ins are designed by our award-winning design team and have stunning, modern features. Want to see our work? Browse through our quick move-ins that are available now.

Are there any incentives or discounts available for quick move-in homes?

Many home builders offer incentives for purchasing quick move-ins in Utah. Locked-in interest rates, buying down interest rates, and money toward a down payment are common incentives. Want to learn more about our incentives for purchasing quick move-ins? Just give us a call!

Can I still negotiate the price of a quick move-in home?

As with any other home purchase, it may be possible to negotiate the price of a quick move-in. Negotiations can vary depending on the market and builder. If you are interested in purchasing a quick move-in home from Arive Homes, all you have to do is contact us to begin the process.

How do I know if a quick move-in home meets my needs and preferences?

Because each quick move-in home is different, we recommend making a list of your specific needs and preferences. As you begin searching for quick move-ins, you’ll be able to know if a home will meet your needs. Our helpful agents are here to answer all your questions about our homes and features.

Can I conduct a home inspection before purchasing a quick move-in home?

Utah quick move-ins must undergo several inspections throughout construction to ensure the homes are safe and meet code restrictions. Many buyers also choose to hire a third party, such as a home inspector, to perform routine inspections before purchasing a home.

Are financing options available for quick move-in homes?

Many financing options are available for quick move-in homes, such as fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, and even FHA or VA loans. To learn more about our financing programs and which is best for you, contact the financing team at Arive Homes.

How do I find available quick move-in homes in my desired location?

Arive Homes makes finding quick move-ins in Utah easy. Simply browse our available quick move-ins with specific information about floor plans and communities. You can find a home in your desired location with beautiful community locations across Salt Lake and Utah counties.

Are there any restrictions or limitations when purchasing a quick move-in home?

Home buyers who purchase quick move-ins are often limited to the floor plan and design options that have already been planned for the home. However, in many situations, the benefits and flexibility of purchasing a quick move-in outweigh any restrictions or limitations.